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The Alchemist
(Paulo Coelho)

The Alchemist ? Paulo Coelho
A magical book that is hard to put down once you pick it up. Through the parable the writer nudges the reader to explore the recess of their minds, dig?out the hidden and forgotten and repressed dreams and to initiate action to reach them. The story builds on some of the favourable and the seemingly unfavourable obstacles one would have to face while following one?s dream.
The story is about a Shepherd who literally follows his dream of going to the Pyramids in Egypt to unearth treasure. The whole work is dotted with allegories and the readers can go to innumerable extend in finding meaning to them in connection with their own life, which is characteristic of the artful presentation of a good author.
The Alchemist offers the readers the following lessons:
-Everything can teach you something and there is a soul of the world which can teach you the universal language.
-When you really want something then the whole universe conspires in helping you.
-We are afraid of change and fear of the unknown prevents us from following dreams.
- Once you recognize your dreams it is necessary to take steps to realize it.
- Some people know their dream but do not do anything about it.
-We need to evolve ourselves like the metal-gold, to be refined and pure individuals.
-When you are about to reach your goal you are tested the most and at first you are encouraged to take the journey with the help of beginners luck.
-The most important lesson- Listen to your heart and look-out for omens.
- Those who seek the soul of the world must have courage.
There are more treasures than this in the book, so read-up!

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