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Brokeback Mountain

?pointless?, ?absurd?, ?wrong?, and ?disgusting? were the words I often heard when someone in my class dared usher the movie Brokeback Mountain, a book adopted into a movie in 2005 by Anglee. The media was worse. The news ate up any footage of people standing outside of movie theaters determined to stop others from wanting to see such an ?abomination?. These people would often succeed in their tasks and then continue to bash the movie to hell. After so many days of the same old crap on television and at school, I drove out to the movie theater to see what word I would use to describe this movie.
?Wonderful?. Brokeback Mountain is a simple movie of two men who happen to fall in love while herding sheep among a mountain called ?Brokeback?. Not a movie trying to promote or condemn homosexuality at all. It was just a story about Jack and Ennis and how they try to maintain their relationship while living the lives of everyday cowboys. Despite being a straight woman, I was still moved by what was going on. The characters? emotions are shown really well with their actions and facial expressions. Even when no one?s talking, one can still see what the characters are thinking through the silence. I wish that other movies could use this technique because it gave me an actual feel for Ennis? loss when the film came to an end. As I stared at the credits amongst the black screen, I could only utter the words ?brilliant? and shake my head at the negative attention that this movie did not deserve.

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