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Clear Your Clutter With Feng Shui
(Karen Kingston)

Feng Shui is the oriental art of harmonizing the flow of natural energy around us to create beneficial effects in our lives. This book concerns one aspect of it, getting rid of clutter in our lives. The author, an international lecturer on feng shui, spends most of the book talking about physical clutter, also called junk. Once the decision has been made that only certain items are staying, and everything else is going out the door, wonderful things can happen. The person can suddenly discover new reserves of energy or a better outlook on life. Of course, the money made from selling the items certainly doesn''t hurt. She also touches on such areas as: what to do with things you will fix "someday", inherited clutter, cleaning out your computer hard drive, and completist collectors. Kingston also looks at mental and spiritual clutter. Don''t be so quick to kudge or criticize other people. Let go of greivances against others. Catch up on overdue correspondence. While you''re at it, give your internal organs a good cleaning. Help your colon get rid of all that unhealthy food you''ve been eating. Even if you can''t do all the things mentioned here, doing some of them can only help. This book is short, very easy to read, and, for packrats like me, much needed.

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