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The Secret Garden.

Mary Lennox, English young person born and high in the Indies, is ugly, tyrannical... and unhappy. Deprived of affection, it never learned, in its extreme loneliness, with smiling nor to like. To died her parents, carried by an epidemic of cholera, Mary leaves for England to live from now on in a strange manor lost in the moors of Yorkshire, in an uncle always absent. It finds the comfort of the friendship there and will share a marvellous secrecy with her friends Dickon and the robin: a garden forgotten of all, whose key, as by magic, opens also the door of the hearts.

Resumos Relacionados

- Le Jardin Secret

- The Secret Garden

- The Secret Garden

- Secret Garden

- O Jardim Secreto (le Jardin Secret)

Passei.com.br | Biografias


