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How To Be Popular
(Meg Cabot)

?How To Be Popular?- when I first heard the title my response was, ?but I don?t want to be popular?. I was duly informed that ?How To Be Popular? is not a self-help book, but one of Meg Cabot?s chick-lit novels.

Unlike me Steph Landry does want to be popular. When she discovers a little book called ?How To Be Popular? (this one is self-help) in her gran-to-be?s attic, she decides to give it a try. She just needs to overcome the fact that in her town ?way to do a Steph Landry? is the expression reserved for people who?ve done particularly stupid things.

With a new wardrobe and a lot of effort, Steph eventually makes it to the top. Now she begins to wonder if it?s worth the effort to stay there and the friends she dropped on the way up.

Like all of Cabot?s books this is light reading. It?s more realistic than many of her other novels, but it still has the chick-lit/romance feel. If you want something to get your teeth into, this isn?t what you?re looking for. For light reading, or if you?re already a fan, it?s cute, enjoyable and there are a couple of the ?life-lessons? every book should have. Do you want to be popular OR have a life?

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