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From Legends Of Old Egypt
(Boles?aw Prus)

From legends of old egypt " " when pharaoh of ramzes reigned, stars have indicated, that anybody < somebody > will die from family of pharaoh. People (people) were almost certain, that it ramzes, because lat (summer; year) had 100 near. Pharaoh has fallen ill after certain time. All have thought, that it have indicated him (it) star and it will bow out with world . It prepared for (after) death of pharaoh on its (his) place grandson sie Horus. Among others, he (it) has taken liberation of beloved its (his) for recording (writing down) order at once sie. Some (certain) insect has bitten him (it) certain day. Leg very it (him) spuch?a. As it happens, that there was poisonous spider. It has transmitted (has rescheduled) after certain time on that (those) world Horus sie, but ramzes returning to health begin. Pharaoh was pharaoh still.

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