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A masterpiece. This play was written in 1942 by Jean Anouilh and was presented on February 4th 1944 at the Theater de l''Atelier, Paris, under André Barsacq''s direction. The play was published in 1946, editions Table Ronde, and is one of the Dark New Plays of that year. It is set on a mythological tale written by Sophocles and is one of my favorite play.  The myth of Antigone belongs to the myths of Thebes.  Antigone is one of the children, born from an incestuous union between Oedipus, king of Thebes  and Jocasta, his own mother. Antigone is sister to Ismene, Eteocles and Polynice.  She displays great devotion and moral greatness, never before witnessed in mythology.  When her father is banished from Thebes by his own brothers, and when blinded, he needs to quest his food, Antigone leads his way.  She assists him until the end of his life and in his last moments. Then, she comes back to Thebes, where a new cruel ordeal awaits her. Her brothers Eteocles and Polynice both want to take control. Polynice turns to a foreign army to attack the city and defeat his brother, Eteocles. When both brothers finally die, her uncle Creon takes over. He orders that Eteocles be buried officially but forbids that Polynice be given proper burial, since Polynice was guilty of treason when he attacked his own country with foreign help.  And it is so that one night, Antigone decides to give her brother a decent burial, thus endangering her own life. Even if this is a well-known mythological tragedy, I dare not say too much as to not spoil the surprise to all readers to come.

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