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Christmas Tails
(Robert X. Leeds)

This is a holiday story which integrates the theme of animal life. Santa and Mrs Claus are in a real dilemma. Christmas Eve is approaching and all of the reindeer have a virus that prevents them from getting out of bed. Santa''s old dog, Snuggles comes through for Santa by suggesting that he pull the sleigh. Mrs. Claus reasons that dogs used to pull sleighs in the North Pole so the idea might work. They enlist the help of friends and manage to save Christmas by using dogs instead of reindeer to pull Santa''s sleigh. Throughout the story, the messages of acceptance, tolerance, and seeking out the special gifts in everyone, are a strong theme. Also emphasized is that the true meaning of Christmas is found in caring about and loving one another. The illustrations are eye-catching and colorful. This book would be more appropriate for a school aged child due to the level of vocabulary. It''s a thoroughly enjoyable holiday book!

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