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Natural Conditions

Zawiercie lies on the river Warta (there are its river-heads) on the Cracow-Wielu? Upland. It is situated in north-eastern part of the Province of Silesia, in the distance of 43 km from Katowice, 45 km from Cz?stochowa and 67 km from Cracow. There start tourist tracks towards Triassic rocks of the Cracow-Cz?stochowa Jura and the track called "Eagles? Nest" (Orle Gniazda)- fortified castles from the 14th and 15th century. These sites are the part of the Eagles?s Nest Landscape Park (it covers 35,2 km of the town area), which is under preservation of nature. There are dolomites, ores of zinc, lead, calcium and brown coal in Zawiercie region and its neighbourhood.

Hydrography: Two springs of the Warta river rise to the surface in Kromo?ów district. Three springs of the Czarna Przemsza river flow out in Bzów district. Streams: ?o?nicki, Rak (in which trout swims) and Strumie?; Ponds: in Blanowice and on Borowe Pole.

Since 1998 the town has been the Zawiercie District?s capital, which apart from Zawiercie consists of following communes: Irz?dze, Kroczyce, ?azy, OgROdzieniec, Pilica, Por?ba, Szczekociny, W?odowice, ?arnowiec.
The town covers area of 8.524 ha. Arable land: 5234 ha (plough soil ? 4.116 ha, orchards - 90 ha, meadows - 552 ha, pastures - 285 ha, arable soil built over - 179 ha, soils under ditches - 12 ha); Forest areas and stood density as well as curved: 1.713 ha (forests ? 1.681 ha, stood density and curved area - 32 ha); Built over and urbanised areas: 1.368 ha (flat sites - 378 ha, industrial sites - 349 ha, other built over areas - 106 ha, urbanised areas unbuilt over - 80 ha, recreation and rest grounds - 34 ha, roads - 367 ha, railway areas - 53 ha, others - 1 ha); Areas under water: 22 ha (surface lotic - 16 ha, surface lentic - 6 ha); Waste lands: 120 ha; Others: 67 ha (According to data from 1st January 2003).

In space respect the town is divided into 17 housing estates: Argentyna, Blanowice, Borowe Pole, Bzów, Centrum, D?browica, Kromo?ów, Marciszów, Miodowa, Pi?sudskiego, Stary Rynek, Stawki, Szyma?skiego, Warty, Zuzanka, Zuzanka I and ?erkowice as well as 4 village administrator''s offices: Karlin ,?o?nice, Pomro?yce and Skar?yce.

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