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Mirów ? Ruins Of The Castle

Mirów ? ruins of the castle
- Ruins of Gothic castle having two planes, which belonged to knights from Kozieg?ów- ?Lio?armorial bearings and since 1489 to the Myszkowskichs? family, overlook the village. Two-kilometre high rock dike, built of peak and rock ridges ended in ruins of the Bobolice castle, rises behind the castle. Completely wooded ?Mirowska? Mountain (the ?Bukowa? Mountain?, 422 m above sea level.), situated south of the rock ridge, is seen  in distance of 1,5 km. The ?Szczelina Pi?trowa? cave was found there in 1967 and it is one of the longest, deepest and the most difficult underground complexes to be surmounted on Jura.

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