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Jane Eyre
(Charlotte Bronte)

Jane Eyre could be known as mother of feminism.
It has all the values that every diginified woman expects from menfolk.
It was written by reclusive but talented Charlotte Bronte.
Bronte underwent exteme hardships.She lost her equally talented sisters to Tuberculosis.
She was trained to be housekeeper  but left that job because she fell in love with the houseowner.
Readers may get all the traits of an autobiographical novel in this sweet masterpiece.
Jane shared her personal experiences of her life in it.
One will be amused to learn that Jane Eyre has drama,suspense, romance and suspense.
All those who love classical litterature must read it.
Jane Eyre  is a masterpiece that  also exposes the english society.
Unlike present days, england had limited space for an independent woman.
However, some like Charlotte Bronte kept their heads high in adverse sitaution
Moreover, it shows the  independent spirit of a woman far more ahead of her times!
(Written by ashish dimri, a freelancing journalist)

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