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Cut A Slice!!!

There it was once in an early, chilly, wintry morning. I saw it besides the fire so calm so quite ready to be taken. But, to my misfortune, it was inside an old empty house. This house from outside looked haunted but its interiors were lavishing. No one knew how much it must have spent to recreate a heaven inside and a hell outside. I searched each and every nook and corner for any mouse hole or keyhole, even. But to my misery there wasn?t either except for a skeleton keyhole on the front door. I wasn?t surprised that this house hadn?t got a backdoor. For there were many stories hidden inside this house; the ?crypt master? as people called him owned the freaky house. But I had no intentions of meeting that ?Bastard?.
Yes, Bastard, because he was one. And then again that scent, the same scent that drove millions crazy and to obtain her hundreds tried to break into the house, but up to their misfortune the security was too powerful. But, I had the substance the substance none had none desired her that badly. That body besides the fire, ready to taken. I had it, after ten years of planning, this twelve year old lad, decided to break into the house not as to theft but for love and for desire. desire had brought him so far. He took out his master skeleton key from underneath the welcome mat, where most people often keep it. Finally, the day had come, it was D-day, this was it, today the crypt master had to visit his crypt and before mid night, I had to break in and complete my desires. Life had played many unwanted taunts. But, I wasn?t about to give up. I had to prove myself. It was now or never. I slowly inserted the key and opened the front door. I walked in bare footed but the stupid, creaky floor gave it away. I was going towards the fireplace where she laid.
I broke all the barriers. I didn?t know how I was going to do it. My stomach was full of absurd sound, that''s what happens when you don''t eat for five days (bloody price hike). But, then I had to have her, my last desire. I remembered all those forty people who had come in to have her, just like me. But, none returned because the door could be opened only from the outside. My mind was set I had thought of it all. I went to the fire place where she laid all skinned, I got hold of her in my arms just as her lover, I picked the knife on the table and I strike it down, it was like stabbing something, I heard the scream. There he was sitting just besides the fireplace in front of me in the dark, that rage in his eyes, that fire and he told me, ?Cut a slice of that plum cake, one for you and one for me, and let?s enjoy this glass of wine that many have died to drink?.
When I sat there I felt a pain, as if something was piercing my heart and when I saw around all those masks up there, they weren?t masks but human flesh, forty of them. I got hold of my heart, blood?????! I took one sip of the wine ad that?s the last I remember of me as human. For now, I am the ?crypt master?.
Want a slice???????

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