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The Reformation And Contrarreforma

The Reformation and Contrarreforma

The Church happened to be Vista by many, as much members as nonmembers of her, like an administrator of the divine thing and of the human, of thanks, tributes and prebendas and inspector of the subjects of the government and the policy of the towns and its cultures. It makes his appearance Martín Lutero and, with him, the Reformation that opened new manifestations of the Christianity in Europe. During this period one expands to new territories as a result of the discoveries done by Spain and Portugal. The Contrarreforma or the Catholic Reformation, for some, did not differ in substantial form what it looked for the protestant Reformation, if it does not consider the subject of the papal authority and infalibidad. It was, in opinion of some, a language difference which cut a clear communication between the parts. Others point at irreconciliables differences in the social structures of the different parts from Europe like cause for the Reformation and the consequent Contrarreforma. In the outside the Church arises like the new patron from the arts and the letters where the great figures of the Renaissance shine. The thought, the customs, the liturgy and the doctrine centralize and they are structured until the maximum from Concilio de Trento. From To Name as Pope own Name Place birth 1492 1503 Alexander I SAW Rodrigo de Borja (Borgia) Valencia, Spain 1503 1503 Pío III Francisco Todeschini Piccolomini Siena 1503 1513 Julio II Julian della Rovere Savona 1513 1521 Leon X Juan de Lorenzo de Medicis Florence 1522 1523 Adriano I SAW Adrian Florensz Boeyens Utrecht, Merciful Holland 1523 1534 VII Julio de Juliano de Mediccis Florence 1534 1549 Pablo III Alexander Farnesio Rome 1550 1555 Julio III Juan Maria Ciocchi of Monte Rome 1555 1555 Marcelo II Marcelo Cervini de Spannocchi Montesano 1555 1559 Pablo IV Juan Pedro Carafa Naples 1559 1565 Pío IV Juan Angel of Médicis Milan 1566 1572 San Pío V Antonio Miguel Ghislieri Bosco 1572 1585 Gregorio XIII Hugo Stupid Buoncampagni 1585 1590 Sixto V Felix Perretti Urban Grottamare 1590 1590 VII Juan Baptist Castagna Rome 1590 1591 Gregorio XIV Nicolas Sfondrati Milan 1591 1591 Innocent IX Juan Antonio Merciful Stupid Facchinetti 1592 1605 VIII Hipolito Aldobrandini Florence 1605 1605 Leon XI Alexander Octavio de Medicis Florence 1605 1621 Pablo V Camilo Borghese Rome 1621 1623 Gregorio XV Alexander Urban Stupid Ludovisi 1623 1644 VIII Maffeo Barberini Florence 1644 1655 Innocent X Juan Baptist Pamfili Rome 1655 1667 Alexander VII Fabio Chigi Merciful Siena 1667 1699 IX Julio Rospigliosi Pistoia 1670 1676 Merciful Xs Emilio Altieri Rome 1676 1689 San Innocent XI Benito Odescalchi Like 1689 1691 Alexander VIII Pedro Vitto Ottoboni Venice 1691 1700 Innocent XII Antonio Pignatelli Naples

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