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Gift Idea For Lover
(jidan shrestha)

Discover the best Romantic Gift Idea for lover
Is the best romantic gift stil a bunch of roses...?
Have you ever wished you could come up with a new gift idea to show your loved one how you feel? 
Have you ever wondered about what the different colors of roses actually mean? For instance, next time you choose a specific color of Rose, do so to convey a special meaning. 
Look below and learn what the different rose colors represent and next time you buy a Rose as a gift, deliver a loving message at the same time.
Colored Roses and What Each Color Means

Red - Love, I Love You
Pink - Perfect Happiness, Please Believe Me
Peach - Modesty
White - Innocence and Purity, I am Worthy of You, You''re Heavenly
Orange - Fascination
Yellow - Texas Love, Joy and Friendship
Single Full Bloomed Rose - I Love You, I Still Love You
White and Red Mixed - Unity
Rosebud - Beauty and Youth, A Heart of Innocent Love
Rosebud (Red) - Pure and Lovely
Rosebud (White) - Girlhood
Bridal - Happy Love
Christmas - Tranquilize My Anxiety
Damask - Persian Ambassador of Love
Dark Crimson - Mourning or Loss
Hibiscus - Delicate Beauty
Leaf - You May Hope
Tea - I''ll Remember Always
Thornless - Love at First Sight
Bouquet of Mature Blooms - Gratitude
Next time you buy your loved one a Rose as a gift, attach a handwritten card to convey the message to him/her that the color means.  This is a great way to enhance your love life!
Here are some great examples for you to adapt for yourself:

Tea Rose -- Last night was very special.  I?ll Remember Always!
Dark Crimson -- You mean so much to me.  Can we try again just one more time?
Rosebud (Red) -- You take my breath away!  You look so lovely!
Orange -- You fascinate me!  Can we spend more time together?
Even smaller, simpler messages will enhance your love life and will thrill your partner!

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