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The Air And The Dreams
(Gaston Bachelard)

In this book, the imminent French philosopher in convokes them to examine more than close the aerial imagination in its different forms. Going of the onirismo of the dream of flight until the metaphor of the aerial house, this book in induces them to a great, deep and strong contact with the imagination of air. Air, in the words of Bachelard, is the only element that only can be perceived by the movement, then is the proper essence of the movement. But of aerial dreams it is not only the imagination of Air. In the interior of this fantastic book, Gaston Bachelard in them brings an incredible exercise of cure of the souls by means of the imagination poéticoa and a waked up dream, where we dream to be flying, leaving the hells of nosso´s fears and yearnings, and going until skies of our dreamer conscience. One of the best ones and less known workmanships of the fenomenologia and the philosophy in general. Valley to the penalty to have in its library

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