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The Holy Book

The Bible is the
world?s all-time best seller.  The Bible
is the most Holy books of all.  The Bible
is the real eye opener and enjoys the distinction of being the most read book
in history.  Many millions of people find
their lives more meaningful because of the meaning contained within the
Bible.   The Bible is one book, one
history, one story.  From the beginning
to the end the Bible?s message is God. 
Behind every event stands God, the builder of History and the maker of
ages.  The word ?Bible? comes from the
Greek word ?Biblos?, which means Book, but the Bible is more than a book or a
collection of books.  The Bible is old;
yet it is ever new.  It is the most
modern book in the world today.  The
Bible is God revealing Himself to mankind.

The Bible is the
word of God and God is the only real authority. 
Proven across years, the Bible sheds light on human nature, world
problems, and human sufferings.  Beyond
that it clearly reveals ?the way to God?. 
It is God?s written revelation of His will to men.  The Bible is more than an answer book.  It is really a library of books.  Bible is one of the easiest to understand
since it is a thought-for thought translation.

The Bible
contains 66 books, written by 40 authors covering a period of approximately
1600 yrs.  These authors came from all
walks of life and were included as Kings, prophets, poets, fishermen,
statesmen, scholars, a businessman, a doctor, and a missionary.

The first
section of Bible is called ?The old Testament? this portions was written mostly
in Hebrew, with the exception of a few short passages in Aramic and was almost
completed almost  400 yrs prior to the
birth of Christ.  The present day English
Bibles are all translated from these original languages.  The word ?testament? actually means ?covenant?
or agreement.  The Old Testament is a
record of God?s covenants with Man and points toward the coming of God?s son,

The new
Testament was written in the Greek language. The New Testament is the record of
the fulfillment of that covenant agreement through Jesus Christ.  The Old Testament is the foundation and the
New Testament is the superstructure.  The
New Testament is a marvelous play and God is the Author and Jesus Christ is the
Central character.  The Holy Spirit is
the power behind each of the character including the son of God.  The New Testament is an account of God
dealing with man.  The New Testament
shows how Jesus was born as a descendant of King David in David?s city.  He was conceived by a virgin.  He totally was a perfect man; He was kind,
tender, gentle, patient & full of love. 
He worked miracles to feed the Hungry, Heal the sick and raise the
dead.  Multitudes came to Him and He
taught them about the Kingdom
of God.

Jesus was nailed to cross and He gave His life for all our sins,
Jesus paid penalty for all our sins on the cross. He was buried dead in the
tomb.  On the third day God raised him
from the dead and with that act sacrifice for our sin was completed.  The relationship between God and man, broken
by Adam and Eve was restored.  Jesus rose
from the dead and He is alive today and brought salvation to all the
mankind.  And with the Revelation the
Bible promises the return of Jesus Christ and the Bible verses end with a

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