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            TUBERCULOSIS was known and studied b the physicians of the ancient world. Four thousand years ago, the famous code of Hammurabi, king of Babylonia, mentioned the wasting disease. An Egyptian papyrus written in1600 BC gives the first description of chest disease. Excavations in one area of Egypt have unearthed so many bodies with tuberculosis lesions that some specialist believe it was the site of a large sanatorium.
            The disease, in fact, goes back much further still as we may judge by the skeleton of a young man found in a Neolithic burial ground near Heidelberg; its fourth and fifth densalevertebrae were fused together showing that tuberculosis of the spine was already afflicting prehistoric man some 6000 years ago.
            After 270 unsuccessful attempts, German scientist, Robert Koch, succeeded in identifying the agent of tuberculosis: a slender rod between three and four thousandth of a millimeter in length. He spent most of his time shut up in his laboratory at charity hospital, Berlin. The door was closed to everybody except his co-workers and his wife. His other companions were the guinea pig, rabbits and mice needed for his experiments.
            He finally succeeded in isolating the bacillus, a microorganism that was not only hard to cultivate but also hard to see. It was particularly difficult to stain, since the coloring matter had to be left to act for a period of 12 to 24 hours. He, therefore, borrowed a technique from the dyers that of using alkali with dye. Added to methylene blue, the alkali acted as a mordant enabling the dye to penetrate the bacillus.
            At last, the great day came. On March 24,1882, in a crowded room at the headquarters of Berlin physiological society, the young man with a pointed beard addressed some 80-fellow scientist. Robert Koch told them all about the culture techniques, the bacillus and the characteristics of the lesions. There was a dead silence. Not a single voice was raised in opposition to Koch?s findings. From that moment, everyone knew that the origin and propagation of tuberculosis were no longer a mystery.    

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