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A Game Ranger Remembers
(Bruce Breyden)

Having been a game ranger for the most of his life in probably the most well known National Park in South Africa, "Kruger National Park" one can sort of understand that, for all the souls out-there in the cities, longing for the vast openness of Africa this could be a gem they can treasure for very long. Like good red wine even the aftertaste left by a good book is aluring.

Kruger national park in itself is a majestical beacon on the african continent, and it is just logical that the fortunate ones working there, have many stories, and life experiences they can share with the rest. It was not always easy being out in the bush for most of the time, and the rangers caring for the animals where struck by hardship quite often and unexpected. Wild animals share your back yard, and extremely close encounters with these beasts were pretty common.

Snakes crawling into your house wile theres no one to help, lions entering your garden and elephants raiding the trees around your camp was a way of life for these people. Yes, as always in africa you have to watch your back, and unfortunately there were fatalities like Bruce''s friend that got killed by a leopard.

Working in this environment, was difficult and only the ones that dearly loved the feldt like Bruce, made a good living out of it. Most of the time you had to take the sour with the sweet, and there is always a price to pay, "it is like playing God" Bruce stated somewhere in the book, and yes they where faced with this on a daily basis, having to make a descision to kill or not to kill.

In retrospect I must admit that personally I thaught he wrote a but much about himself and could''nt always stick to what he is trying to do, and lost the wire every now and then, but it still makes for a good read nontheless. Africa and its inhabitants will always feature in the global litterature arena, and most people will adore this book, as it will make them feel they where actually there, and could share Bruce Breyden''s experiences.

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