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The Alchemist
(Paulo Coelho)

I picked up this book in a book store five years ago. I reluctantly went through the first few pages thinking I?ll find something to justify the kind of reviews the book had got. As someone who was never a keen reader, I don?t know what kept me hooked to that book. As I continued to read I started to develop some interest in the book which grew with every page I read. After finishing the book, I thought for hours about the things said in the book. I got a purpose in life that day. I realized the dream that I had long forgotten. The book did to me exactly what the reviews had promised. It changed my life. The Alchemist is the story of a young shepherd?s journey to find his treasure. He goes through all the hardships in search of something which no one knows exists. The tale takes you through a beautiful ride filled with hope, romance, myth and ecstacy. It?s a remarkable story which reaffirms your faith in your own dreams and capabilities. This seemingly ordinary story instills in you the kind of faith and belief that can do wonders. It gives you an inspiration, an inspiration to have a dream and go all out to fulfill it. Life is a mystery. We all live with the flow and spend endless hours in doing things we don?t want to do. The search for a better job, the need to have more money, the desire to live in a better house.......... Years come and go, a lot of us achieve material things, but how many of us die happy? The reason for all the unhappiness in the world is mankind?s reluctance to listen to the heart which results from the lack of faith in one?s ability. The Alchemist shows you a way.It tells you that your treasure lies where your heart is.It gives you a dream. It helps you to be one with your real self and break all the shackles of fear and uncertainty. And I think for this very reason this book has stood the test of the time. Like all masterpieces, The Alchemist will continue to inspire millions like me. I rate this book highly for the simple reason that it has the power to change your life.

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