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The Alchemist
(Paulo Coelho)

?When you really desire something, the entire universe conspires for you to achieve your dream.?
The alchemist seems to be one such conspiracy. An inspirational treasure, the book inspires the reader and preaches the importance of following one?s dreams. It helps the reader understand the omens strewn around in one?s path. The story and philosophies in it appear fresh and new reminding you of different things in your own life every time you read it. It is a book that talks to you blatantly.
The adventures of a shepherd and his quest to realize his destiny is not just a mesmerizing but also thought provoking. It is a philosophical work written in a truly Coelho style.
Santiago, a shepherd who lives in Spain begins a journey stretching across the blood thirsty desert to the enrapturing beauties of the pyramids to find a treasure he once dreamt of. But as Coelho believes ?the destinies of all are written by the same hand? Santiago meets an alchemist who helps him get tête-à-tête with the mysteries of life and lord.
The most intriguing character is that of Melchizedek, a king. Since no one knows who he is, where he comes from or where he goes, he remains the mystery man of the book.
Things like the Philosopher?s stone, Elixir of life and Urim and Thummim are thrown in at regular intervals giving the story a fairytale element. The mystic quality of Coelho?s writing is clearly evident in this magical parable. The personification of the elements of life and omens of the desert renders a poetic feel to the narration. The book gives the reader a whole new perception of love and life alike. It has the caliber to change the outlook if not lives of all its readers.
From a point of view of a novel, it is a bit too philosophical but this is what makes it unique and helps it do what it sets out to. Not a read-n-forget story it makes you think, introspect and follow your dreams against all odds. This globally acclaimed work is a hands down ?modern classic?.
It changed my life, literally. May be it can change yours.

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- The Alchemist

- The Alchemist

- The Alchemist

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