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Demography: The United States Of America

The demographic characteristics as fas as age and sex in The United States has changed considerably during the 20th century due to fluctuation in births, deaths, and migration. The population in The United States has quadrupled in one century. The change has been a horrifying amount of 296 million  citizens currently residing there comparing to the ones living there in the 1900s which were 76 million. The United States is suffering an annual growth of 0.92% in its population. During the 20th Century, immigration was of more than 40 million people. In the year 2004 the estimated net rate of immigration was of 4.4 emigrants per 1000 people. In the same period, there were 330 million births. The fertility rate in 2002 was of 64.8 births per 1000 women between the ages of 15 and 44. As indicated, 34.0% of the total births came from single mothers.

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