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And Then There Were None
(Agatha Christie)

Agatha Christie has to be one of the greatest mystery writers of all time. She is the queen of mystery, a master of suspense, and a creative genius. This book is a personal favorite, and I honestly believe that it is one of Christie''s greatest works.

The story takes place on a remote island. Ten strangers have been invited for a get-together at a gorgeous mansion. The catch? No one knows who this host is. Soon, strange things begin to happen and the body count starts to rise. The guests are all in a frenzy, and there''s no way off the island. Why were these invitations sent out? Who could possibly be behind all these murders? What''s the secret of the "Ten Little Indians" poem? These are just a few questions that I''m sure you''ll be asking yourself once you start reading. The plot is very complex, but it is remarkably easy to understand. It''s full of unexpected twists and turns, and it''ll leave you guessing who the murderer is until the very end of the novel. Sure, the story sounds like a cheesy Hollywood movie, but this is what Hollywood has been using as inspiration. This story is completely original, and it''s the cause of so many similar "spin-offs" that TV shows, movies and other books have presented. It''s a very entertaining novel, and you won''t be able to stop reading.

The characters are such a wonderful group. They''re all unique. Some of them fall into typical stereo-types, but they always have some characteristic that makes them stand out. There''s the old and somewhat odd General, the rich and handsome youth, the eccentric middle-aged woman, and seven more guests that you will learn to love and ponder over. Christie does a wonderful job with characterization. A character can come across to you as sweet and innocent, and at the turn of a page, you''ll be suspecting that character of being the murderer. You won''t find a group like this anywhere else.

The suspense in this book is so thick that you could cut it with a butter knife. Agatha Christie weaves such an amazing tale while keeping the atmosphere full of suspense. You''ll constantly be at the edge of your seat, wondering what''s going to happen next. Trying to figure out the plot and all it''s hidden secrets is a difficult but fun challenge. Figuring out who the murderer is and his/her motive is entertaining, and Christie will keep you guessing. Once you read the ending, you''re going to want to read the book a second time just to see how the murderer did it. Christie drops a few hints, but they are so subtle that you may read right past them.

I highly recommend this book. Even if you''re not a big fan of murder/mystery novels, you will enjoy Christie''s style of writing. You''ll know why I consider her to be a creative genius when the plot unfolds before you. You''ve got a great cast of characters, suspense, an amazing plot, and dead bodies piling up on the floor. What''re you waiting for? Go read this book!

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