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The Clinton Crack Up
(R Tyrrell)

I have been received pages and pages of information
from America on the subject of a new but even
more exciting book on the subject of
President Bill Clinton ... apparently he is in
some sort of bother with The New Yorker,
well, not alone!  I hasten to say!

Over the last several years I was practically
knocked off my seat by the emails from
the same group ... The New Yorker ...
I was asked to submit ... poems and
short stories. .. well it seemed not a tall
order by any criteria so I sat down as usual
on Sunday evening and checked my notes
and did my new online version of my
poems and short stories.  I received a
wonderful appreciative email .... to the
effect that they would be publishing and
I would get my cheque in the mail.

Then you can imagine my horror when six months
later a huge rejection email arrived in my inbox
saying ... sorry Madam thanks! but no thanks!
Upon further investigation and more enquiries I got
several more emails explaining that they dont
publish foreign writers ... but I pleaded what
about short stories, and yes was the answer.
Back again, another rejection .. same issue.
You might well ask the question what on earth
the New Yorker based in New York America is
writing all the way out here to the South of Britain
for contributions!

Mr. Clinton has the answer and is in dialogue
or conflict depending on your interpretation of
this magazine New Yorker ... their journalist
is claiming that Mr. Clinton has been rather
unpleasant to them ... the mind boggles ..
In fact, in my case its the other way around
and I was pleased to hear the Parish Priest
pray for those who are rejected ... because
it is a painful and hurtful experience.

I guess that includes Mr and Mrs. Clinton
and myself... according to the stuff I
read on webpages on The Clinton Crack up
by R. Tyrrell.

Happy reading ... excellent stuff!

Resumos Relacionados

- Bill Clinton

- Bill Clinton

- The Genius

- The Survivor

- Literature

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