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Cia Of The Paranormals
(marcos Menezes)

The author had too much imagination to creat such great characters and an amazing plot to try an intriguing discussion, the positive and negative impacts that the paranormal capacities could generate in the social relations of a world dominated by high technology, radical religious movements and fanatic people of all sort. To reach that goal he used the help of the science fiction. The story has the start point in the works of a famous scientisf, mister Jardell Vasconcellus, who uses his family fortune  to prove cientifically the existence of such mind skills, creating the foundation to the development of the paranormal abilities. his researches make him conclude that these powers range from 10 different levels, and the psychic person could develop till 20 different capacities. this discover unchains a huge race to create super powerful beings all over the world.
              Then begins the saga of Peter Moll, a poor kid from a miserable country, who at the age of 05, is aproved in a test of the foundation, and in the next 15 years he complete his difficult training and graduates as a paranormal level 07, becoming the third better in the world, and accept the invitation to work in the govern agency that regulates the psychic professionals, the cia of the paranormals. Many characters cross his path and influence his destiny, such as the tragic Joseph Prometeus Souz, paranormal level 09 and the best in the world, who, among others, had the incredible ability of creat objects of reasonable size. And the ambitious twin brothers tharus and Iullus Vendra, level 08 and 06 respectivelly, who dreamed to change the world and are at the same time his best friends and rivals. Also the beautiful Denise Tanner, doctor and healing psychic level 06 who conquer his heart. and his work companions Argos Buzzolor, Dan Lee and the angry Suzanne Binoche. 
               The enormous number of different powers that some people are able to develop after a long and harsh training changes definetelly several sectors of the society, and the problems caused by those ones who are still tied to the dark side start to appear.
            The book beggins when Peter Moll, then with 25 years old, is found wandering without memory in a cold valley of a poor country, that wasn''t capable to deal with a world without oil, it''s only source of profit. while is being helped by locals he begins to remember, and meanwhile the action doesn''t stop, because the revolutionary soldiers who conquered the government are chasing him, and his companions are doing everything to have him rescued. the plot runs through different ages to maintain the thrill and agility, untill arrives in an outstanding climax  

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