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The House Of Spirits

The House of the Spirits Esteban Trueba, a humble miner of strong character, is able to save of its destiny when reconstructing completely the old Property left by its father and when marrying with Clear, the smaller sister of his first fiance''e, the beautiful Rose, both daughters of a political wealthy conservador.Clara is a mysterious woman, with inexplicable magical powers and a particular relation with Rule, the sister of Esteban. Esteban and Clara have three children: twin the Jaime and Nicholas and Blanca, whom from his childhood fall in love with an rebellious farmer with whom procreates to Dawn, the dear granddaughter of Esteban Trueba.La history is developed in a period that includes a century almost, counting histories of Esteban and Clara, its daughter Blanca and Pedro Third Garci''a and Alba and Miguel, both victims of the Chilean military dictatorship of end of the XX.Nívea century had fifteen children; but of them, single they were left eleven; Rose the greater daughter; with single eighteen years she was for his parents the most beautiful woman of the world: white like a wrist, hair old bronze and eyes color honey; enamored his - Esteban Trueba -, he was miner; they had been two years without seeing itself, but they were fieles.Clara with his ten years, - smaller daughter of the spouses Of the Valley, - - a stranger had to be able mental: he moved objects and he anticipated catastrophes. Clear no longer he spoke; the family began to worry and called to the Dr. In the birthday number nineteen of Clear, when extinguishing the candles, spoke (after nine years), saying that soon it would marry with Esteban; the family was surprised but they did not take into account which said two months later, Esteban arrived at house from those From the Valley, to request the hand of Clara.Clara entered the room and after talking much, it accepted to Esteban; in a ceremony to present/display the fiancès in society; the Father blessed the ring; The family of Clear prepared the wedding and Esteban constructed its new home: she would be one marries European and American style; the neighbors nicknamed "the great house of esquina".Férula very was worried, because when marrying his brother, she would not have where to go; but when finding out that Clear he was useless in the domestic workings, was said it to Esteban, that did not do case to him; desperate, it was with Clear to the French Hotel; Clear it read in his mind the preoccupation of Rule and it said to him that one did not worry, because it would live with them and both would be like sisters. One night, while "Esteban was in the field", Rule - that had not lain down and it did not wish to be single -, entered the room of Clear that it slept and it lay down alongside, when Esteban arrived and to pushes it removed it; Clear it did not include/understand what happened and Fe''rula was thrown of the house; Clear when not knowing the reason, it looked for it without éxito.Pancha it died of a terrible fever and was buried in the cemetery of the property, because it had been "like the woman of Esteban"; it left a son: Esteban Garci''a and a grandson. Clear and their White daughter, began to be distanced of Esteban; this, with his impediments, one became an annoyance, because Garci''a was very violento.Pedro (the old one), died seated in his chair; to his side he was his Esteban great-grandchild Garci''a, son of Esteban Garci''a (this one, son of Pancha Garci''a and Esteban Trueba). In house of the White parents, she was born White, with a star spot, Clear said that he was an enabled being to find the happiness. Esteban Garci''a (grandson of Pancha Garci''a and Esteban Trueba), went to house of this one, to request a recommendation to him in order to be Customs officer; when arriving, Dawn entertained it; it wished to kill it and at the same time to violate it, by resentment to the Trueba, by to have been born legítimo.Miguel did not tell Jaime who her sister was vested to him that she examines it; when going to see it, Jaime discovered that the sister of the small one was left Amanda.La won; Esteban Trueba felt defenseless, because they would govern his enemies. All were armed in the country: with arms and others with food: White stored foods in the house; Dawn robbed food that her mother bought of contraband, for dárselos to Miguel; Esteban kept armament; Dawn realized and Jaime told him his uncle; both asked to him on which it hid, but Esteban raged and the subject finished ahí.Con its uncle, Dawn was removing the different arms, keeping them in bags; time later, Jaime and Alba announced that they would go on trip to the mountain - there they would bury the bags-.El leftist president was not in agreement with it, because his government could fall; it sent many customs officers to remove to Trueba, without obtaining it; White, desperate, looked for Pedro Third so that it helps to remove to his father; then, Dawn found out that Pedro was its father; finally after one and thousand requests managed to remove to Esteban.. |

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