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Ulster Bank Leaflet
(Ulster Bank, Belfast, Northern Ireland.)

I wrote a poem about it ... ANYTIME ... I said a few lines in public and now you
have the yellowish gold leaflet ...

It makes a world of difference ... using your card at home and abroad .. there is a
magnificent shot of two lovers armed entwined on a makeshift deckchair
looking the picture of health financial and physical and staring into the
dim and distant blue horizon ... with their cash card either stuck in the
back pocket of their summer clothes or more sensibly well out of
harm's way in the deepest of deep briefcases where nobody can find
it ... not even the owner...

The new card is Cirrus affiliated ... and you can use your funds in local currency from
any cash machine around the world. that suits me perfectly, as my work is now
internationally known and as a friend said to me on the phone recently

You are as famous as Seamus! (wel!) ... there you are ...

Take great care to pay attention to the details on this Ulster Bank leaflet
and I assure you ..... its possible to travel - work - go on holiday -
with absolute confidence ... knowing that all is well with your money!

Happy reading ... keep on reading .. excellent stuff!

Resumos Relacionados

- How The Credit Card System Works

- Atm [existence Of Automated Teller Machine]

- Discount Credit Card Machines

- Mortgages From Barclays

- Debt

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