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Timberline Lodge A Love Story
(Friends of Timberline (A. Patterson))

This book has hundreds of wonderful photos of Timberline Lodge and Mt. Hood located near Portland, Oregon (just 70 minutes drive from Portland)

The book tells the fascinating story of how the unique and magnificient Lodge was built during the Great Depression of the 20th century. President FDR's WPA progrom provided tens of thousands of jobs for hungry American families during the depression following 1929 Crash on Wall Street.

The project was approved and constructed in one of the mild winters in the Northwest. Even so, all workers in the construction had to walk almost 20 miles to and from the site through cold and snow that had to be continually plowed to create a 'trail'.

The book describes and pictures the "crown jewel of Oregon" that is, Mount Hood, a former yet may be still active, volcano in a string of volcanos in Washington and Oregon. Mt. ST Helens is one of them, but none are as beautiful and favorite of skiers and mountain climbers. It has 11 glaciers.

Almost all of the workers were unskilled, unemployed people. Some worked only 2 to 4 weeks in order to make room for another hungry family to earn money. The work was not only at the location on the mountain, but also in Portland below. Many workers were women who knitted, sewed, made rugs and wall hangings. Over 100 skilled artisians participated with ironworks, carving, furniture contruction, and other hand crafts. The women made 119 hooked rugs, sewed 100 pairs of appliqued curtains, and woe 912 yards of draapery and furniture fabric.

Timberline Lodg nestles on the south slope of Mount Hood at 600 feet. The mountain, gleaming with eleven glaciers has been measured at 11,245 feet high.

Added to the Lodge areasince 1982 are a convention wing, daylodge for skiers, sewage treatment plant, vehicle shop, Magic Mile, Palmer chairlift and the trails to the top of the Blossom chairlift creat a constellation of facilities and recreational opportunities at Timberline.

The U.S. Olympic Ski Team trains on the mountain glacier even in the hottest summer weather.

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