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An Equal Music
(Vikram Seth)

This is a story of love and music. music is the connection that ignites love, longing, and disappointment.

Michael Holme is a struggling and aspiring musician still in love with Julia. Julia is a talented pianist. He has not seen Julia in 10 years. Over the years he has tried contacting her, but his phone calls and letters are never answered. Where is his beloved Julia? Will he ever see her again?

One day he sees her on a bus while he is on another bus, but still they have not connected. Shortly thereafter however they do connect and renew their acquaintance, their loss, their love, and their sorrows. Now there are extenuating circumstances however - Julia is married and has a child. She is also going deaf.

Michael struggles to keep his beloved Julia, but it is a heartbreaking hope. He also cherishes his violin, which he has borrowed. He cannot afford to buy his own fiddle. Will he lose Julia and will he lose his beloved fiddle? The owner's nephew wants it, but Michael is most desirous of keeping his violin.
For a time Julia and Michael meet in secret. They also play together in their Quartet in London, Vienna, and Venice where they play Bach, Beethoven, Brahms, Shubert; and the Fugue.

As they play they continue their tryst. But will it last? How does Julia cope with her deafness and playing with the Quartet? How does Michael cope with her deafness and her continuing love of her husband? How does Julia cope with being beholden to a loving husband and trying to relive a love from the past?

Set in a backdrop of London and its music scene, some dramatic conclusions are reached by Michael, Julia, and the Fiddle.

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