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Queen Of The Damned
(Anne Rice)

"I'm the Vampire Lestat," he greets you in the opening pages. "Remember me?"

This fascinating storydetails the lives of vampires and the people that are unlucky (or in some cases, lucky) enough to be with them. Akasha, the Queen of the Damned, has woken from a six-century sleep and is ready to take her vengence out on an unsuspecting world. This storyis writtenwith such vivid imagination and colorful languageit is possible to become totallycaught up init and feel as if you are right there with the vampires, feeling what they feel, knowing what they know.

Anne Rice delivers a masterful tale that is required reading for vampire addicts everywhere, and a mesmerizing novel even for those who don't like vampires. Once you pick up this book you won't put it down until the last page is read.

Resumos Relacionados

- Pandora

- Queen Of The Damned (third Volume Of The Vampire Chronicles)

- Queen Of The Damned (third Volume Of The Vampire Chronicles)

- The Vampire Lestat

- Interview With The Vampire

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