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If Only I Was Single Part 3
(Michael R. Olsen)

The next morning he woke up early so he could catch the first flight out. He arrived in Boston and grabbed a taxi. He had it stop a block away from his house so that he could surprise his wife. As he walked down the empty street, he noticed a red pick up in his driveway. He had never seen it before. He opened the door to his home quietly and entered. He looked down and saw a pair of cowboy boots. They were men?s boots. A sense of dread swept over his body. He put down his bag and briefcase and quickly and quietly, he made his way to the master bedroom. He entered through the open doorway. There lying in his bed, he found his wife and a cowboy. He saw his arm under her, both sleeping soundly, with the sheet covering only the bottom half of their naked bodies. In somewhat of a daze, he calmly moved over to the closet, a large walk in area where he had his clothes on one side and his wife?s were on the opposite side. On the floor against the wall he found a large suitcase. He carried it back into the bedroom and dropped it on an empty area on the bed. The sleeping pair awoke with a startled jump. He still in a daze looked at his beautiful, red head wife, lying in bed with another man, both looking at him.?Surprise honey,? he said, ? I?ll be in the kitchen.?After boiling some water, he sat down with a cup of very strong coffee. He began to think of ways to address this problem. But he knew that no matter the excuse that she could come up with, or think of, his marriage was over. As he sat there sipping on his coffee, he heard the cowboy leaving. Then a moment later his wife appeared dressed in a robe. She made a coffee and sat across from him. ?I?m so? she began, but was interrupted.?How long? was all he asked.She felt that all she could do now was to be honest at this point. ?Him, last night. All together about 3 years or so.?He thought to himself, they had only been married for 4 years. How could she? She was never faithful. For 4 years he had worked to make a good life for her. He had turned down every proposal that had come his way, while she was in bed with someone new. ?You can have the house. I?ll keep the money,? he finally said. ?That?s about half.?She raised no immediate objections. After packing he went and found a decent hotel room. The next Monday he told his boss the situation that he had encountered. Then he requested to be relocated to anywhere outside of Boston.A month later his boss entered his office. ?We have decided that you deserve a raise. But there is a catch. You will have to relocate.?Viktor smiled and thought this could not get any better. ?Thank-you?, he acknowledged. ?Where,? he asked.?Well as it stands, at the end of the month, the president of our Akron office is retiring. They need a new manager for the Mid-West region. How does that sound???That sounds perfect.?Later as he pulled out his wallet from his suit pocket, a piece of paper seemed to stay attached. On the paper, there was a woman?s name and an Akron phone number. As he looked at it he smiled and thought to himself, ?now that I am single.?

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