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(John Benton)

Prostitutes, Junkies, hustlers, delinquents, or even regular people all have one thing in commen, we thrive on somthing wether it be money, drugs, material possesions, or sex we all have a quik fix. It is completely human and in our nature to have these urges. But until we dont have these things we dont relise how much we thrive on them, imagin for a second if you could never brush your teeth, I as well as you would go insane. What this all leads to is our inability to treaser what we do have rather than dweel on what we do not. anyone can be happy with their situation if they are in the right state of mind, but we are all always searching for the next step up, like it willsomehow make our lives complete to have that big screen plasma T.V. Imagine the people that dont even have cable. Think about the people that dont have these luxuries, and just sit back and be content with what you have, because you could have it taken away in the snap of a finger. In no way am I saying we shouldnt grow as people or as an economy. Just that mental richness will take you so much ferther than money ever will.

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