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Creatine Supplementation And Water Balance
(byJoseph F. Clark, Ph.D)

There is a rapid resynthesis of PCr following exercise in athletes with creatine supplementation. This is due to the ability of creatine to stimulate the mitochondria. The mitochondria are the main source of ATP production in muscle cells.Therefore, creatine administration increases anaerobic capacity and also increases aerobic recovery by stimulation of the mitochondria. Following creatine administration there is an increase in muscle torque and there was no change plasma lactate levels. Creatine supplementation however produced a significant decrease in plasma ammonia during exercise.Plasma ammonia generally comes from the degradation from ATP. Therefore, the augmented PCr in muscle protects the total nucleotide concentration. After administration of creatine, there is an increase in the rate of PCr resynthesis following exercise. This correlates with a faster recovery after exercise and the athlete can therefore shorten their rest periods between sets.Glutamine is an amino acid that is very important to the body for a host of reasons. It is an important source of energy for the mitochondria. Therefore, creatine stimulates the mitochondria and glutamine supplies the mitochondria with energy. Also, the body's cells that actually repair damage use glutamine. So if there is some injury during training, glutamine may aid in the healing process. People have reported that glutamine is able to protect the heart when there is low oxygen and it may also be able to protect the skeletal muscle in a similar way. It appears that glutamine and creatine both have beneficial effects on muscle tissue and that these effects may even be complimentary

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