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Enhancing One?s State Of Being
(Swami Sukhabodhananda of Prasanna Trust)

A spiritual inertia is - not asking the question ?are you in?. A person may live in the Himalayas or in the market place, or he may live in a monastery or in a crowd, it will not make a difference to him, or to the others, if he is truly ?not in? as a presence. If you are present in every action of yours as a presence, then what you do is not as important as ?how to be?.

The quality of your life is the quality of your state of ?being? and not the set of circumstances. You can really help the world if you change your state of being. To change one?s state of being, one has to change the context of one?s life. If one?s context is to ?come from happiness? and not ?for happiness?, then one?s quality of life would be like generating waves of happiness.

Whatever you do, feel you are spreading happiness and love. Let this be the context of your life and you would be in a powerful state of being.

Even in relationships learn to give happiness and love... and not beg happiness and love. In such a situation, you will lift the quality of your relationship.

There are two types of paths... the path of action and the path of meditation. The path of action is only concerned on the doer and what he does.

The path of meditation is ?how to do? and not just ?what to do?.

The do-ables

# Feel and imagine you are a flower which is generating bliss and love

# When you look at some one, feel the energy of love and bliss are flowing through your eyes.

# When you touch something, feel the energy of bliss and joy is flowing through your hands

# Feel that each part of your being is generating love and bliss.

# Feel you are in the space of infinite love and bliss.

Focus on ?are you in?. Let this energy field be part of every moment of your life.

Understand the more you feel, the more your heart center opens up.

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