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The Sir Bors Memoirs
(Robert Devere)

The Sir Bors Memoirs (ISSN 1-4241-6730-2) by Robert Devere, is a wonderfully written novel about the personal relationship between Sir Lancelot and Queen Guinevere. Robert Devere is a passionate enthusiast of the Arthurian legends and he determined it was time to rewrite the love story between Lancelot and Guinevere through the eyes of a Camelot Knight.

The publisher's description of the book is as follows: "Much must be told before Sir Bors, a once mighty warrior and personal friend of King Arthur, departs on his final adventure to the Holy Land. Having witnessed the wrong of a faithful and noble knight, his silence contributed to the fall of Camelot. Sir Bors knew the truth that would have slain the treacherous accusations of Sir Mordred, son of Arthur, against the good names of Sir Lancelot and Queen Guinevere, yet he chose silence over banishment. It was no secret that Mordred lusted insatiably for his stepmother, as she was the most beautiful of nearly all women that men had everseen. Now, Sir Bors must make his peace with his maker and beg atonement from his fellow knights, of those who still reside upon this earth, for the transgression he has committed against Sir Lancelot. His sorrow is great, but his quest is noble."

This story is a new and refreshing twist on the Arthurian legends, and most readers will be both surprised and delighted by how the story ends. Visit the author's web site at http://www.RobertDevere.com for more information and the opportunity to read the first dozen pages free.

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