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10 Steps To Make Money With Shvoong. If You Are Registered, Join. If You Aren't, Join And See.

When I join Shvoong, I thought: Will be this a safe and honest way to make money? When I start to research and saw that it was too good. I start to make my abstracts and see results, and what a result! I don't wanna to talk about numbers to you, no (false) expectations, but I hope that you see by yourself. I want to share my knowledges, hoping that you follow them to see the results, as I hope to see better results than mine. All that is new engender suspicion, but imagine when Google started if they would called you to register and share the profits, would you go? And if you don't, what a disappointment! So, don't miss that opportunity, a second chance may not hapen. One of the main reasons of which I registered was the fact that they don't ask you any money neither documents; in such case, we got nothing to lose, just to win. For many people Shvoong is still unknow but they are present in the hole world. For that reason your abstracts will be read by many people, certainly. Now I would like to share 10 steps with which you can make a great career. 1º Join Shvoong, if you are alredy registered publish the site. For the time being, this is necessary, and for that reason is important all members publicity, faster the great public will know. Have it done, the chance of have your abstracts read improve, remember google.2º Help each other. If you read the abstracts every time you can, and click in the banners, the site just grow and everybody wins. And win a lot.3º Write a good abstract, don't copy, take a time to create. Resume what you read, remember that old book of yours, can be what thousends of people are looking for, to read or remember.4º Eminence initial phrases, it causes impact and curiosity for people to read.5º To have a good avarage of visitations is necessary to keep things simple, don't need to be too long and too perfect.6º Remember that this is a work, not a religion, so face it like an employ or part time work, if you are employed, don't let this take too much of your time, remember that are most important things than to make lots of money.7º Try not to do just abstracts of famous books, create your own abstracts, your histories, remember when you made a history, it can be a first part of a three chapter history, and so on.8º Try to conect your ideas and abstracts to other things made by you, for example: sites and other abstracts. Remember that we are all friends, one read anothers work. Bear in mind the history of the book: Uma lição para nós. Rejeitaram o verdadeiro gênio. Author: Saraiva Ferreira.9º Remember that you or a genious have just to believe and follow the necessary steps. Remember that is just an honest way to make money. So start right now to create and make lots of money.10º Create before seat in front of your computer, this habit improove your ideas, forget the word accounter. Your friends visit your abstracts for you, and you visit them, when you first get your dolars, it pays its way. Be a genious, bear in mind the history of the book: Uma lição para nós. Rejeitaram o verdadeiro gênio. Author: Saraiva Ferreira.Sucess!

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