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Third Eye
(janet gregory)

There are many supernature things I have notice and dreams I had thoughing the years. I was in a chapel praying and notice these shadows there a nun. They were standing near her. Then I saw some super beings come though a stain glass window and going near her. Then they went away. One time I was in Copley place one morning and a shadow went pass my head, like a bird. I saw angels many times, but they were see through. Even the chapel there were see though beings by nun. I saw in my old store and bedroom. I had dreams of clouds, a tunnel,etc. I saw myself flying though a tunnel. I been hearing voices talking to me since I was a child. I hear funny sounds, that sound like motor in my head and ringing going down my head to my mouth. It sounds like someone ringing a rattle in head. I been hearing those sounds since I was a child.

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