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Monopoly In Growing Sector Of Finance
(Daljit Khankhana)

The World society is moving into the developing financial sectors. The awakening communities are planning to share, compromise or gaining new strategic forms. Poverty is growing in deep roots. Few organisations or families are building their monopoly in financial sectors all over the World economies. Poor is getting more poor and rich people are gaining extra resources to handle growth of profits. The people who got that chance officially to deliver services partially, their credibility isn?t honest that?s why poverty is growing into the all sectors of human welfare. The people who has such resources gaining this benefit and developing abroad educational sectors for their children to share economic growth and monopoly is strengthening with this process. The poor who are actual poor can?t afford food how can they imagine to fly abroad for further study. India is developing country. Money is decentralising into few families or groups. Dalits are so poor can?t afford further education. Few years ago I developed an organisation that is known as ? Dalit Literary & Arts group UK and developed educational purposes to support poor students in rural developing sectors so poor student can gain resources to obtain living resources.It is very hard to ask others for financial support. I worked very hard and without any financial support import 40 and 50 thousand books to India and delivered them free for college and school students. Although I haven?t got enough finance but my honesty and hardworking succeed deliver free 90000 books for best knowledge and learned this is only experience that can balanced the society.Dalit Literary & Arts group UK is dedicated this best cause of education. The world peace is impossible without understanding that is possible with higher education. Without knowledge and experience a community or communities can?t gain or balance peace or further progress. Exploitation or harassment couldn?t be declined with best techniques until best performance that is impossible without a mature person that can avoid impartiality.Let?s go to dedicate ourselves to promote youth for better understandable humanitarian future

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