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Hangmans Curse
(Frank Peretti)

Okay this book was an all in all good read, if only it didnt take me a day to read! It was about a family of undercover detectives investigating a ghost at a high school in baker washington. It was way too short though, in fact it kinda pissed me off because it only took me like 5 or 6 hours to read,it bagan at 8:00 in the morning and ended at 3:00 in the afternoon THE SAME DAY. dont get me wrong it had good detail and an unbelievable storyline, but it had so much more potential than what Mr. peretti had let in. He could have elaborated on it much much more than he did. another thing that irked me was the fact that it was about gettin you to believe/ convert to christianity or some other religion that PRAISES god. It started to make me think about how much writing can influence people to do things that they really dont want to do, like smoking, people write about smoking in magazines and book and movies and shit like that, and what does it make you want to do? START SMOKING, thats what happened to me, I had a friend that was at my house and we were reading a magazine and saw a smoking ad. we went and started stealing cigarettes from my dad and his girlfriend, ive been smoking since age 10, im 14 now and it all started with an ad. If this book has the same effect on people then thats pushin YOUR religion on people. Its not illegal but it makes people mad that they are constantly being brainwashed and stuffed full of morality, you know "its wrong to say something is wrong", does that make any sense to you? Thay they would push something on you then tell you its wrong to push something on someone else. Its all just to keep society obidient. But people like me who see them for what their really doing and and letting people know our opinions and what do they do theylabele as IMMORAL!!! Son of a bitch!!! Well theres my rant and what im trying to get at is when people read this there not going to notice it, but if you read it it will slowly make sense that its all just a rush to make you believe in something that you dont want to. But the book itself was a good read, just dont let it get into your head, because thats the big picture of it.

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