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Amber Demuth
(Amber Demuth)

It was only the wrong thing to do if that?s what YOU think. You could have 50 million people in the world tell you it was the wrong thing?.but do you think it really was? I hate that everyone says?.?You bought a house?why did u buy a house?!? You can?t afford a house?.it was the wrong thing to do. The worst thing to do? Fuck that. I don?t care. Maybe people think I am dumb or stupid or I made a mistake. But I don?t think it was the wrong thing at all. I think it was 100% the right thing to do. I got my life back. I got out on my own. I depended on MYSELF for once and not on the others around me. I showed myself I can make it on my own. I made myself a stronger person. I DID NOT BACK DOWN. I got what I wanted for once. I got Lucas back. I fell in love. I FIXED a problem before it started by renting it out before running out of money. Others make me feel like a failure?.but I am not a failure. I would be a failure if I lost the house?.if I went bankrupt?.if I ran out of money?.if I ended up homeless?.if I lost what I was searching for. None of that happened. I did not lose my house. The house is still mine. I rented it out and now SOMEONE else is paying me to live there. I can sell it in a few years and actually make money off of it. THAT is an advantage NOT a failure. I went into all this trying to find myself. I FOUND myself. I found out that I can be an independent person. I also learned that people can be shitty and not stand behind you when you need them. Who did stand behind me 100%? Lucas and Mary. That?s about all I had thru all this. My family? I love them to death but they are the only ones who put me down and made me feel like shit. Made me feel like everything I did was wrong and the reason THEY are in the situation they are in is cuz of ME. I did not FORCE them to make the decisions they made. Now let them sit there and blame me for all they go thru and they will never be the stronger person. When they actually do something about their problems?.that will make them the stronger person.

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