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The Fountainhead
(Ayn Rand)

The Fountainhead is the best fictional work and also the best love story I have ever read. The portrayal of the characters, Howard Roark and others, are so incredibly done by Ayn Rand in her work of genius. Writing an abstract of the novel doesn?t do justice to the book and to the author because it?s not possible for one to extract the essence of this great literary work, the transcending love it depicts, the philosophy of objectivism it flaunts, in a few hundred words. Nevertheless, for those who may require skimming it for various reasons, here is what I gathered from one of the masterpieces of modern literature.

Howard Roark and Peter Keating are from the same architecture school. Keating graduated as the topper with contemptuous help from Roark while Roark was expelled from the school for refusing to adhere to the curriculum by changing his own ideas that he very much believed in. After his studies, Keating joins Guy Francon?s privileged architecture firm while Roark works under the veteran architect Cameron, who was uprooted long back by Gail Wynand, the media tycoon. Keating has plans to marry Dominique Francon, daughter of Guy Francon who is also a columnist, and succeed him in his business.

Roark has his own notions about buildings, that each building is a character by its own and hence new buildings shan?t be just a copy of its old counterparts, which unfortunately was done by architects of his time. Hence he doesn?t get many assignments. He isn?t able to pursue his architecture-ship further and eventually ends up working in a quarry for a living, where he meets Dominique Francon and both fall in love. Roark soon receives an invitation to do the design of a building in New York City and leaves the quarry.

Keating?s mother wants him to marry Dominique as he falls in love with a poor woman. Dominique makes Keating marry herself, in order to test Roark. She also tries to demerit Roark thinking that the world doesn?t deserve his creations; all due to the love she has for him. Ellsworth Toohey, the main anti-hero in the novel, with some hidden plans, invites Roark to design a temple. Roark places a nude statue of Dominique in the temple. Later Toohey proclaims about the poor design of the building and sues Roark, basically to hinder his growth. Toohey also makes Gail Wynand meet Dominique which results in the marriage of Dominique and Wynand. Meanwhile Roark and Wynand become friends.

Roark designs a housing project owing to Keating?s request and later finds out that the initial design he made has been changed by Keating?s associates. As a result Roark blows off the building and Dominique gets hurt while helping him. Roark convinces the court why he blew off the building and talks about his philosophy which forms the essence of the novel and Ayn Rand?s philosophy of objectivism. During the trial Wynand?s newspaper accuses Roark mainly due to Toohey?s presence in it as a columnist and Wynand takes its side. As a result Dominique leaves Wynand and marries Roark. Finally Wynand realizes his mistake, fires Toohey and gives Roark a new construction project where the story ends.

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