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This is not a biography of Hitler. The autor is only interested in nature and mechanism, character and exercising Hitler`s dictatorial authority. He`s trying to explain why, in Germany after first world war amongst so many fanatic nationalists and racists with similar views it was Hitler who recived such a huge social resonance,how this unbelievable candidat took charge of the complicated mechanism of the modern country, why - in spite of expectations- his power wasn`t restricted by the traditional ruling classes, but overmastered any restrictions; what was his personal contribution in creating politics, was he really leading it by himself and makeing pivotal decisions till the very end. Contemplations about Hitler`s authority are expressed in detached frames of chronologic sequences. The author documents his arguments in detail. The book is a passionate attempt to unreveal the enigma of the authority of Hitler, impersonating a dangerous occurrence of totalitarianism.

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