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Come In On Feb. 13

Along those same lines, consider dining out the night or weekend before or after Valentine?s Day. You are dining out to celebrate your evergreen love, not a mid-winter Wednesday. Let the reservationist know you are coming in to celebrate Valentine?s Day and look forward to a romantic evening at a fraction of the cost. ?I appreciate guests who come in on Feb. 13 or 15,? Grieco says. And an appreciative host will often pull out some stops. Besides, Grieco wisely notes, ?If you make a late enough reservation on Feb. 13, by the time you and your companion are enjoying that fabulous dessert it will be Valentine?s Day.? Hitting the town on an alternative night could mean savings of up to 50 percent on your check (special menus can cost special money). And you will enjoy the very same, if not a superior, experience. Feel SpecialThere are plenty of nights to dine where the focus is squarely on the food. (You can spot these places by the oversized plates on which they serve their food?gigantic, china-white bull?s-eyes in which the food is the target.) But while you may want haute cuisine, guest-focused service should be the first priority on Valentine?s Day. Lewis is quick to stress an essential point: ?Waiters?good waiters?know that there are people who are nervous on Valentine?s Day.? You might not have anything to say about who your server will be, but you should know this: ?It?s a waiter?s job to make you feel special, reassure you?subtly, without saying anything at all?that you made the absolutely best decision in picking this restaurant and had amazing luck to land in their section,? Lewis says. SurrenderAt the risk of indicting their own industry, hospitality professionals are the first to advise lovers who want to celebrate their romance over a romantic feast to stay home and cook for each other. ?But if you do go out to dinner, take your seat alongside your sweet baby, then politely tell the waiter to bring you your meal and then leave you alone,? Grieco suggests. This is not to suggest willingness on your part to be ignored by the staff, but rather a desire to place your focus where it should be. Valentine?s Day is a night, as Grieco says, to ?surrender to the house and let them do what they do best.? Pick a restaurant that casts the right spell for you and dares not break it.Zanne Schmalzer covers restaurants and the business of restaurants.

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