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(The Bible)

This book races through hundreds of years of history on the new-created earth. It BEGINS with the creation and who was around before the world was made, and goes on to---the fall of man---God's promise to redeem and restore humanity and crush evil---the first murder---from Adam to Seth...to Noah---the flood---the tower of Babel/Babilonia---mankind scattered---calling of Abram---God's agreement with Abram (re-named Abraham)---Sodom & Gomorrah destroyed---Sarah conceives and bears Isaac---Abraham tested with Isaac---Isaac marries Rebekah---they beget Jacob & Esau---Jacob takes Esau's birthright---Esau incensed, Jacob flees---Jacob marries Leah & Rachel--- Jacob & Esau make peace---Jacob re-named Israel---Rachel bears Joseph, dies bearing Benjamin---the 12 sons of Israel: Reuben-Simeon-Levi-Judah-Issachar-Zebulun-Ga d-Asher-Joseph-Benjamin-Dan-Naphtali---Josephsold into slavery---Joseph falsely accused and imprisoned for doing the right thing---Joseph becomes vice-Pharoah---Joseph saves Egypt from famine---Joseph reconciled with his brothers---Joseph re-united with his family---Joseph's sons Ephraim & Manasseh blessed by Israel---Israel blesses his 12 sons and dies---ENDS with the death of Joseph.

Resumos Relacionados

- Genesis

- Genesis

- Genesis

- Genesis

- Genesis (genesis)

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