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On Writing: A Memoir Of The Craft
(Stephen King)

Every beginning writer is lookingfor inspiration, and every experienced writer needs to sharpen his toolsoccasionally. On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft by Stephen king fillsthis void. King is one of the best known writers of our era. Suspense spews fromhis books and into the reader?s imagination, and occasionally onto the bigscreen. In sports, many of the best coaches were former players themselves. Itgives an insight into the sport that helps them connect with the players. Kingattempts the same feat in this book. The overview of the book might make itcome off as a textbook style guide, but King uses his life story to show thepath he took in order to help you take the next step on your path. King laysout a brief autobiography in the first section of the book in order to show theemergence of his imagination, and passion for writing. After lacing his lifelessons into your mind King guides the reader on a virtual tour through awriter?s toolbox. His list of do?s and don?t?s is presented throughout thissection in his satirical fashion. What makes this book stand out is a lifechanging experience that King endured during the course of Writing this book.The third section outlines this event and allows King?s passion for the craftto flow from the book. This part of the book is reminiscent of watching aninjured athlete refuse to come out of the game because of his passion for thesport, and dedication to the people involved. The in your face message thatthis book brings is that a writer needs to read a lot and practice writing alot. I would like to think that if only one message made it through this bookand into the mind of writers, King would want it to be this one. To wrap up thebook King did a good job keeping with the read a lot, write a lot spirit byoutlining a list of books that he found to be a good imaginative read. Thisbook deserves a spot in every writer?s library.

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