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Domestic Violence And Women

There are many books out that discuss the subject of domestic violence, and each time a new one comes out it is thought of as a revolution; claiming something new or having an additional slant. This book addresses the issues of domestic violence, it also points out how complex it is. What it doesnt do is provide answers to solve it - the reason for this is that there is no one way to solve it. If there was someone would have come up with it by now.
The truth is that it has been around for centuries, and the reasons for it are the same: power and control. For years it has been stated that women are the main victims. The statistics now state one in four women will be the victims of domestic violence at some point in their lives, and now we have the statistics that one in seven men are the victims of domestic violence.
For all the statistics, and the good work being conducted by many agencies in the fight against combatting domestic violence - it is largely still thought of as an add on issue. Yes it is topical, and yes the government are trying to raise the issue and profile- however despite the ideas, actions and targets set no real money is being provided to deal with the issue. Some areas in different localities might be successful in bids to address specific initiatives but what about everyone else.
Why is it that in this day and age that women's refuges are still charities, and still have to depend on annual grants, money raising efforts which again are on a bidding basis.
why is it that ex offenders get accommodation to set them up again upon release, but yet victims of domestic violence have to rely on spaces being available through a womens refuge. That in itself is difficult as most refuges are always full due to such a high demand in their services.
Yes we are aware of the issues of domestic violence but what we need is real answers - everyone who writes about domestic violence considers themselves to be an expert but no one is such an expert. Domestic violence is such a complex issue that many ideas are relevant, but what we have to move away from is hanging on every word that is said about it, and neglecting to look at the wider picture. Everyone will come into the issue of domestic violence whether directly or indirectly therefore it is about time it is dealt with and given the priority it needs to have in order to address it sufficiently.

Resumos Relacionados

- I Refuse To Be Lonely

- Trainspotting

- The Protection Of Women From Domestic Violence Act 2005(43 Of 2005)

- What Went Wrong? ...and Continues

- Great Expectations

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