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The Qualification Of Nursing Attendants: Transformations In Work And Life
(Aguiar, Zenaide Neto)

The qualification of nursing attendants: transformations in work and lifeThis study took as object the transformations occurred in working,living and specially in the thinking and acting way of nursingattendants after their qualification as nursing auxiliaries through theLSP (Large Scale Project). It utilized work and qualification asanalytical categories. The aim was to evaluate the dimension of thechanges occurred with attendants after de qualification process. Studysubjects were attendants who have qualified as auxiliaries through LSP,conducted by the Regional Health Administration ? 5 (São Paulo city),during 1990 a 1992. life histories were used as a methodological toolto apprehend these transformations. The analyses allowed therecognition of both potentialities and limitations of the qualificationprocess. Qualification have guarantied to the attendants: a) access toimproved remuneration, promotion to a professional status e someworking rights; b) conquer of some citizen rights not directly relatedwith social rising; c) change in knowledge patterns; d) a certainautonomy related to technical aspects of health attention; d) gains inthe humanization of care. The qualification process seems to have arelative power to modify the quality of health attention, allowing acertain understanding of the object of the health work and dominatingtechnologies used in the working process. Nevertheless, it does notseems to constitute changes in the individual and clinical model ofhealth assistance, showing a certain fragility to apprehend thepolitical dimension proposed by the LSP to qualify health workers

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