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The New Manager"s Starter Kit (essential Tools For Doing The Job Right)
(Robert Crittendon)

Peter Drucker has defined management, as the art of getting things done through people. On the face of it, it looks so simple. As a matter of fact, it is easier to do the job ourselves, then to get it done from others. Handling & keeping the orientation of the working of many types of persons in the interest of the company, requires consideration & handling of various sensitive parameters. In nine Chapters of this book for new managers, the author has covered nine important & vital topics. The areas taken up in this book are mainly connected with people management & include, management of ourselves, our time, our staff, our boss, our meetings, our challenges & our reputation. Based on his experience, the author provides his observations, along with examples, about the practices, the decision making processes, relationships in the dealings, the principles involved, understanding & meeting the challenges, utility of the points discussed etc. Everything given here is not necessarily new, & may be something is already known to us, by our past knowledge or experience. We may learn these lessons, by our own experience of working with several companies, & interacting with varied types of persons. In any case, it serves to review & highlight the important topics, for up-and-coming managers.
One of its most important Chapters, is about managing our boss. In some organizations there is a multiple reporting arrangement, & thus we may have more than one boss. The bosses can be of various types, but still we have to manage them, though it is the most critical thing. If the boss is intelligent, it is easy to manage him, but if he is incompetent, then it is not so easy. We must try to obtain informal information about the boss, & build trust with him, by respecting his position & keeping him posted with progress etc. Whatever be the type of the boss, we all have to help him to be successful, by getting the assignments completed, getting the problems resolved & helping in taking decisions. A strong boss is considered better, since he may make the workplace free of stresses. Every boss wants to improve the position of business in his company, & that his people must work in the interest of the company continuously. Managing of the boss is also required, for our own progress, peace of mind & benefits in the organization. This is a general book & not specific for any particular type or size of business, & hence it will be applicable in many situations, for practical advice to the young managers, who are just entering this line. It will help them in preparing themselves, for utilizing the tools & finer points of advice, for facing the challenges of management, & going up the ladder. This abstract writer himself had started his career in the management field, & considers that the contents of this book will be very useful for the aspiring managers. It is a must read book for them.

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