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The Famous Five Characters
(Enid Blyton)

Three of the children, Julian, Dick and Anne, are siblings. During their holidays,
they are regularly sent to stay with their Aunt Fanny and Uncle Quentin, whose daughter,
Georgina, is a tomboy always known as George.
Every time they come together, they find themselves obliged to solve a mystery
which usually, but not always, has a criminal behind it. The location of the adventure
varies from book to book. Sometimes it will happen close to George's home, and
"Kirrin Island", a private island, presents many opportunities for such activities.
Since both George's own home and various other houses are hundreds of years old,
there is much room for secret passages or smugglers' tunnels, which play a central role
in the plot of several books in the series. On other occasions, the children may go camping
or hiking or be sent on holiday together elsewhere, but they are always accompanied by
George's dog, Timothy, affectionately known to the children as Timmy.

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- Famous Five Series

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