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State Of Fear
(Michael Crichton)

Michael Crichton, after shocking, thrilling and entertaining us with books like Jurassic Park, Congo, Rising Sun and Disclosure turns his attention to environment conservation. Even as the world is grappling with a host of environmental issues, the author raises a question ?Is global warming a reality, or is it just a tool used by scientists and the environment protection lobby to further its interests??The central plot of the book revolves around a small Pacific island called Vanatu, which is in danger of being submerged, as global warming threatens to raise the sea levels. This obviously is a very serious threat to the natives of this island. A major environment protection agency in the US called NERF prepares to file a multi-million dollar lawsuit against the US government for being the main country responsible for global warming. But at the same time, law enforcing agencies around the globe begin to detect unusual activity, in terms of purchases of military equipment, which seems to fit into the concept of eco-terrorism. US citizen Morton, a multimillionaire, environmentalist and philanthropist, is the main person funding this lawsuit. Morton however, has second thoughts, and is soon found dead under mysterious circumstances.Agent Kenner, aided by Morton?s secretary Sarah and his lawyer Evans tries to piece together a puzzle of environmental manipulation, climate modifications and politics. As the action takes these protagonists from ice cold Antarctica to the deserts of America and on to the rebel infested head hunters of the Solomon Islands, the reader is glued to this highly researched and informative thriller, which is fast paced and racy. Do those who claim to fight for the environment actually do more harm? Can we really protect this earth, and if so, at what cost? Is a gain for the developed countries derived from a loss for the third world countries? These are some of the thought provoking issues that the book raises.Written as a fluid narrative, Crichton delivers another bestseller on the earth?s climate and environment. The arguments for and against environment throughout the book will make the reader gasp in shock, as commonly held myths and beliefs are shattered with unerring consistency. Is the something called the balance of Nature? Perhaps, says the author. But in today?s world, the unholy alliance between the politicians, the legal community, the media and even the religious leaders creates an atmosphere of fear and terror for the common man, called the state of fear. Maintaining this state is increasing beneficial to the members of this alliance, to further their needs, and make mega bucks. Towards the end, after going through reams of research on climate, Crichton wisely concludes, ? One cannot assess or predict climate in the long run, one can only make an educated guess. Nature is constantly changing, for reasons best known to itself. Human beings have very little to do with it. The only thing that they can do is to run for cover, and hide, when nature decides to strike out at them.?A brilliant book, which is difficult to put down, and one will make us think and ponder about all that we read in the newspapers and see on television, on the environment. Go for it.

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