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The Art Of Writing
(Arthur Schopenhauer)

Schopenhauer has always been a polemic philosopher. At the against it of the philosophic, literary and politics tendences, and the aesthetics of Germany in the time where it lived ( 19th century ), this thinker does have as a central reference symbol as of your writings the lucidity , the cynicism and your critic positioning forefront subjects a number of times ignored or despised from the philosophy. Well into The art of writing, in didactic way he try to induce the reader to increase your writing ability and beyond this, Schopenhauer does a discerning critics of the intellectual thought of its time. Mordacious adversary as of Hegel, he attacked the idealist of this philosopher with audaciousness and a certain shine, merely perceivable at the privileged minds as of our world. In this book, Schopenhauer searches to show ways so that the reader can learn to think by itself , looking for to become a thinking and a writer for the ways of the original thought and not for academic intermediary that it consists of interminable reading sessions ( a number of times good for nothing ). In epistemologic terms, he defends the entire knowledge, in opposition when the alcoved knowing that already that time it started to appear in the German scientific field. As good as gold job for anyone who they pretend amplify your own philosophic knowledge and at the same time to understand important intellectual matrices, that they go since Nietzsche at Machado de Assis.

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